Disability Royal Commission releases its schedule for the remainder of 2020
On the 28 July the Disability Royal Commission released a calendar events for the remainder of 2020, noting the impact that COVID 19 has had on their program.
The events listed relate to public hearings and may be updated to add other community activities when further information becomes available.
- 21 September: Sydney - Public hearing will commence into the use of psychotropic medication, behaviour support and behaviours of concern.
- 12 October: Brisbane - Public hearing will commence into the barriers experienced by students with disability in accessing and obtaining a safe, quality and inclusive school education and consequent life course impacts
- 16 November: Brisbane - Public hearing will commence into long term, including indefinite, detention and the experiences of people with disability in the criminal justice system
- 23 November: Brisbane - Public hearing will commence into the experiences of First Nations people with disability and their families in contact with child protection systems.
Two further public hearings may be announced for December.
Visit the Disability Royal Commission for further information.