What we did in our first year
Your Story Disability Legal Support data snapshot
In our first year...
- We provided 1311 information services to clients.
- We provided over 936 services to people with disability.
- We delivered over 74 community legal education sessions to community members and organisations.
- We delivered 3 webinars attended by 310 people and presented in 7 webinars delivered by other organisations.
- 74% of attendees rated our webinars as 4 or 5 stars (out of 5).
- We developed 11 community legal education resources including factsheets, videos and a flipbook.
- 7113 people visited the Your Story website.
- We provided over 678 legal services to clients (this data is for the period 16/9/2019 to 30/6/2020).
- We adapted through COVID-19 and provided 514 services to clients virtually (phone/video)—(this data is for the period 16/9/2019 to 30/6/2020).
- 1227 people attended our community legal education events.
- We delivered community legal education events in every state and territory.
- We had 617 views of our information and webinar videos on the Your Story Disability Legal Support YouTube channel.
- The Your Story website was accessed 11,971 times.
* All data is for the period 16/9/2019 to 30/6/2020
Download the data snapshot here(PDF, 440KB)