Front page - Page 1
<Text> Your Story Disability Legal Support. Sharing Your Story with the Disability Royal Commission
<Visual description> Your Story Disability Legal Support Logo.
A group of four people with disability are smiling beneath the logo.
Inside front page - Page 2
<Text> Your Story Disability Legal Support.
Free, independent legal support to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission.
Sometimes people with a disability have been hurt, treated badly, refused help or taken advantage of. This is wrong and the Disability Royal Commission has been set up to look at this. Do you want to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission?
Your Story Disability Legal Support is here to support you.
We are a free legal service and we are avasailable across Australia.
We can provide you with legal information, advice and support about sharing your story with the Disability Royal Commission.
This book has the stories of four people with disability. They all shared their story with the Disability Royal Commission in a different way.
Your Story was able to support them share their story.
- Samir writes a submission. Pg 3
- Sarah has a private session. Pg 7
- Kim receives a notice to produce. Pg 11
- Joe speaks at a community forum. Pg 15.
Everyone's story is different.
We can give you legal support to share your story safely, in a way that works for you.
Contact us for free support:
1800 77 1800 (freecall)
<Visual description> Your Story Disability Legal Support Logo with tagline, "Free, independent legal support to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission."
Page 3
<Text> This is Samir's Story.
How did he share his story with the Disability Royal Commission?
He made a submission.
Samir is a person with cerebral palsy.
<Visual description> Samir, a middle-aged Sikh man with cerebral palsy, stands waving and smiling in a park.
<Text> Once, he visited the hospital because he was feeling very sick.
<Visual description> Samir stands in front of an image of a red cross representing the hospital. Samir looks unwell and concerned.
<Text> It was unsafe for Samir to move through the hospital.
<Visual description> Samir walks next to a "Caution Wet Floor" sign placed next to a dangerous puddle of water.
Page 4
<Text> Also, the nurse and doctor did not listen to him.
<Visual description> A doctor and nurse frown while Samir explains he is sick.
<Text> and they kept asking
<Visual description> The doctor speaks to Samir. The doctor's speech bubble has a mug of beer and question mark.
<Text> if he had been drinking alcohol.
<Visual description> The nurse speaks to Samir. The nurse's speech bubble has a bottle of beer and question mark.
<Text> He felt let down and left.
<Visual description> Samir walks away from the hospital; he frowns and looks down.
<Text> He did not receive the treatment he needed.
<Visual description> Samir frowns. Above Samir's head is a thought bubble with a thermometer and stethoscope - medical equipment to check his health and treatment needs.
<Text> Samir wants to share his story with the Disability Royal Commission.
<Visual description> Samir looks up. Above Samir's head is a thought bubble with the logo of the Disability Royal Commission.
Page 5
<Text> He contacted Your Story Disability Legal Support to find out how.
<Visual description> There is a laptop computer with the "Contact Us" form on the Your Story webpage.
<Text> He told his lawyer he wanted the health system to change
<Visual description> Samir sits behind a desk with a female lawyer from Your Story. Samir's speech bubble has an image of a red cross representing the hospital.
<Text> but worried he might not get fair medical treatment in the future.
<Visual description> Samir speaks to the Your Story lawyer. Inside Samir's speech bubble is an image of a symbol to demonstrate "no" - a red cross inside a red circle.
<Text> His lawyer explained the different ways to share his story
<Visual description> A pencil writing on paper, speech bubbles, a microphone and telephone.
<Text> One way is to make a submission to the Royal Commission
<Visual description> A piece of paper filled with writing is half inside an envelope. An arrow points from the envelope towards the Disability Royal Commission building.
<Text> A box in the corner of this image says: A submission is a record of your story. It can be in writing or by video or any way you want to explain your story.
<Text> Samir and his lawyer spoke about keeping his submission private
<Visual description> Samir and the Your Story lawyer speak to each other. Inside Samir's speech bubble is a picture of a piece of paper filled with writing half inside an envelope. Inside the Your Story lawyer's speech bubble is a picture of a lock, representing privacy.
Page 6
<Text> and including all the facts he remembered…
<Visual description> Samir speaks to the Your Story lawyer. Inside Samir's speech bubble are small images of the nurse, a beer bottle, the hospital, and the "caution" sign that were part of Samir's experience at the hospital.
<Text> and not sharing his story on social media.
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer speaks to Samir. Inside the lawyer's speech bubble is an image of a social media post with a red cross over the top.
<Text> Samir was happy he was able to share his story safely and hopes it will make a difference.
<Visual description> Samir and the Your Story lawyer smile and Samir gives a thumbs up.
<Text> This is Samir's story. Everyone's story is different.
<Visual description> Samir stands with smile on his face in front of three other people with disability.
<Text> Contact Your Story Disability Legal Support about how to share your story safely. 1800 77 1800.
<Visual description> Samir smiles and stands next to the female Your Story lawyer.
Page 7
<Text> This is Sarah's story. How did she share her story with the Disability Royal Commission? She spoke at a private session.
Sarah is a person with Down syndrome.
<Visual description> Sarah is a young, Caucasian, female person with Down Syndrome. She stands in a living room with a mobile phone in her hand and smiles.
<Text> She does most things for herself.
<Visual description> Sarah holds her mobile phone. The mobile phone is displaying numbers.
<Text> But Sarah's mum supports her to make some decisions.
<Visual description> A split screen of Sarah and her mum.
In one half of the screen Sarah speaks into her mobile phone which calls her Mum. Above Sarah's head is a speech bubble. Inside Sarah's speech bubble is a question mark.
In the other half of the screen Sarah's mum holds her mobile phone which shows a call with Sarah.
Page 8
<Text> Sarah lives in a home with other people with disability.
<Visual description> Image of a brown brick building.
<Text> There are workers who come to the house to support Sarah and the others.
<Visual description> A female worker with a name badge stands with her hand on Sarah's shoulder.
<Text> Once, one of the workers locked her in a cupboard.
<Visual description> The female worker pushes Sarah inside a cupboard with one hand and has her other hand on the cupboard doorknob.
<Text> Sarah knows this was wrong.
<Visual description> frowns in the dark, inside the cupboard.
<Text> But doesn't know what to do because there is nowhere else she can live.
<Visual description> Sarah is in the dark, she covers her mouth with both hands and furrows her eyebrows with a scared expression on her face.
<Text> Sarah's mum told her about the Disability Royal Commission.
<Visual description> A split screen of Sarah and her mum.
In one half of the screen Sarah's mum speaks into her mobile phone which shows a call with Sarah. Above Sarah's mum's head is a speech bubble with an image of the Disability Royal Commission logo.
In the other half of the screen Sarah holds her mobile phone showing a call with her mum and frowns.
<Text> Sarah and her mum contacted Your Story Disability Legal Support.
<Visual description> A split screen shows close ups of Sarah and Sarah's mum's mobile phones.
Both mobile phone screens display the Your Story logo and call buttons.
Page 9
<Text> Sarah told her lawyer she wants to tell her story
<Visual description> Sarah speaks on the phone to a male Your Story lawyer. In Sarah's speech bubble is an image of the cupboard door.
<Text> but doesn't want to speak in public
<Visual description> Sarah speaks on the phone to the Your Story lawyer. In Sarah's speech bubble is an image of a microphone with a red cross through it.
<Text> because she is afraid she will get hurt again.
<Visual description> Sarah speaks on the phone to the Your Story lawyer. In Sarah's speech bubble is an image of her standing in the dark looking frightened. It is the same image from when Sarah was locked in the cupboard.
<Text> Sarah wants her mum with her when she shares her story.
<Visual description> Sarah speaks on the phone to the Your Story lawyer. In Sarah's speech bubble is an image of Sarah's mum.
<Text> Her lawyer told Sarah she could ask to have a private conversation with one of the Commissioners…
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer speaks into a phone. In the lawyer's speech bubble is an image of Sarah talking with one of the Commissioners. The Disability Royal Commission logo is behind the Commissioner.
<Text> and her mum could come to support her.
<Visual description> Sarah's mum stands next to Sarah, who smiles, and the Commissioner.
Page 10
<Text> No one else would know she shared her story.
<Visual description> Sarah speaks on the phone to the Your Story lawyer. In the lawyer's speech bubble is an image of lock, representing privacy.
<Text> Sarah and her lawyer worked together so she felt ready to share her story.
<Visual description> Sarah speaks on the phone to the Your Story lawyer. Sarah says "I am ready".
<Text> Sarah felt proud that she was able to suggest ways to improve group homes for people with disability.
<Visual description> Sarah is stands and smiles. Above Sarah's head are two thought bubbles. One thought bubbles contains an image of a lightbulb, the other contains an image of the group home.
<Text> This is Sarah's story. Everyone's story is different.
<Visual description> Sarah stands in front of three other people with disability, with a big smile on her face.
<Text> Contact Your Story Disability Legal Support about how to share your story safely. 1800 77 1800.
<Visual description> Sarah speaks to the Your Story lawyer on the phone with a big smile on her face.
Page 11
<Text> This is Kim's Story. How did she share her story with the Disability Royal Commission? The Royal Commission used its powers so she could share her story.
<Visual description> None
<Text> Kim uses a wheelchair.
<Visual description> Kim is a middle-aged, Japanese Australian woman. She uses her wheelchair, in front of a computer at a work desk. She smiles and waves.
<Text> Kim is great at her job.
<Visual description> Kim works at her computer. Kim's computer screen has a thumbs up symbol.
<Text> One day, she found out that she was getting paid less money than other people who did the same job.
<Visual description> Kim's computer shows that her earnings are $50k, but David's earnings are $65k.
Page 12
<Text> She started a legal case against her work.
<Visual description> Kim hands her boss a legal file.
<Text> Her work paid her some money to apologise.
<Visual description> Kim's boss gives her $100 notes banded together and holds the legal file.
<Text> Kim had to sign a document which says she can't talk about this.
<Visual description> Kim frowns as she signs a legal document with her name and hands it to her boss.
<Text> Kim wants to share her story with the Disability Royal Commission.
<Visual description> Kim has a small smile. Above Kim's head is a thought bubble. with the Disability Royal Commission logo.
<Text> But doesn't know if she can.
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer speaks to Kim over skype. Inside the lawyer's speech bubble is an image of Kim's boss, and a red cross over this image.
<Text> She is also afraid she will get fired.
<Visual description> Kim frowns more deeply. Kim is thinking about getting fired from work and leaving with a box in her lap full of her belongings from her work desk.
Page 13
<Text> Kim contacted Your Story Disability Legal Support. She arranged to get advice over skype.
<Visual description> Kim is on a skype call with a female Your Story lawyer. Kim has emailed the lawyer the legal document.
<Text> Her lawyer looked at the legal document she signed…
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer reads the legal document Kim has signed while on the Skype call.
<Text> and told her she needed to ask the Royal Commission to protect her using its powers.
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer speaks to Kim over skype. The lawyer's speech bubble has the Disability Royal Commission building.
<Text> Then it would be against the law for her work to fire her…
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer speaks to Kim over skype. The lawyer's speech bubble has a red cross over the image of Kim leaving work with a box in her lap full of her belongings from her work desk.
<Text> or get her in trouble for sharing her story.
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer speaks to Kim over skype. Inside the lawyer's speech bubble is an image of Kim's boss, and a red cross over this image.
Page 14
<Text> Kim asked her lawyer to contact the Royal Commission
<Visual description> Kim speaks to the Your Story lawyer over skype. Kim's speech bubble has an image of the Disability Royal Commission logo with a question mark.
<Text> and the Royal Commission gave Kim a legal document called a "Notice to Produce".
<Visual description> Piece of paper with "Notice to Produce" written at the top.
<Text> Kim was then protected when she shared her story.
<Visual description> Kim works at her desk and smiles. Above Kim's head is a speech bubble with a picture of a lock, representing privacy.
<Text> This is Kim's story. Everyone's story is different.
<Visual description> Kim sits and smiles in front of three other people with disability.
<Text> Contact Your Story Disability Legal Support about how to share your story safely. 1800 77 1800.
<Visual description> Kim and the Your Story lawyer wave at each other over skype.
Page 15
<Text> This is Joe's story. How did he share his story with the Disability Royal Commission? He spoke at a community forum.
<Visual description> None
<Text> Joe is blind,
<Visual description> Joe is an older Caucasian man, wearing sunglasses. Joe stands outside a grocery shop smiling.
<Text> and has a service dog called Champ.
<Visual description> Joe stands with a golden retriever, his service dog, Champ.
<Text> Joe has found many regular things,
<Visual description> Joe and Champ stand in front of the door to the grocery shop. On the door is a sign that says no dogs. Joe frowns.
<Text> that should be accessible,
<Visual description> Joe and Champ stand outside a public bathroom. Joe frowns as he tries to find a braille sign. The sign to the bathroom is not in braille.
<Text> are inaccessible.
<Visual description> Joe sits frowning at a computer. His computer screen says "Error: the text on this webpage is inaccessible to the screen reader."
Page 16
<Text> Joe wants to stand up for himself
<Visual description> Joe stands with his hands on his hips smiling.
<Text> and his friends with disability too.
<Visual description> Joe shakes hands with a younger woman who has a cochlear implant.
<Text> He has lots of ideas about how to improve life for people with disability. He has shared these with many people
<Visual description> Joe speaks to a State Member of Parliament. The politician uses a wheelchair. Inside Joe's speech bubbles are lightbulbs.
<Text> but he feels things can still get better.
<Visual description> Joe has a thought bubble with a picture of a lightbulb.
<Text> Joe wants to share his ideas with the Disability Royal Commission.
<Visual description> Joe walks with Champ. Joe has a thought bubble with the Disability Royal Commission logo.
<Text> Joe contacted Your Story Disability Legal Support to find out how.
<Visual description> Joe holds a mobile phone. The Your Story logo is on the screen of the mobile phone. A speech bubble above the mobile phone has a calendar with a clock.
Page 17
<Text> He told his lawyer he wants to speak in public
<Visual description> Joe sits behind a desk with a male Your Story lawyer. Joe is speaking. Inside Joe's speech bubble is an image of a microphone.
<Text> in his own words
<Visual description> Joe speaks to the Your Story lawyer. Inside Joe's speech bubble is an image of Joe speaking at a lectern into a microphone.
<Text> and doesn't want to answer questions about what he will share.
<Visual description> Joe speaks to the Your Story lawyer. Inside Joe's speech bubble is an image of a question mark, over this image is a red cross.
<Text> His lawyer explained the different ways to share his story.
<Visual description> Pencil writing on paper, speech bubbles, a microphone and telephone.
<Text> Joe and his lawyer spoke about registering to speak at a community forum…
<Visual description> Joe and his lawyer speak to each other. Inside the lawyer's speech bubble is an image of a piece of paper with a clipboard and pencil.
<Text> Inside Joe's speech bubble are images of three different coloured speech bubbles.
and planning carefully what he wanted to say…
<Visual description> The Your Story lawyer speaks to Joe. Inside the lawyer's speech bubble is a checklist attached to a clipboard, with a pencil. The lawyer holds a pencil as Joe smiles.
Page 18
<Text> to avoid using names of people he was angry with.
<Visual description> Joe and his lawyer speak to each other.
Inside Joe's speech bubble are the words "John Smith", covered by a red cross.
Inside the lawyer's speech bubble is an image of a dark silhouette of a person with a green tick.
<text> When he spoke he stuck to his plan
<Visual description> Joe stands at a lectern speaking into a microphone. Champ is at Joe's side. There are three people listening to Joe.
Above Joe's head is a thought bubble. Inside Joe's thought bubble is the checklist he made with the lawyer.
and shared his ideas for change.
<Visual description> Joe stands at a lectern and speaks into a microphone. Champ is at Joe's side. Above Joe's head is a speech bubble. Inside Joe's speech bubble is a lightbulb. Three people are listening to Joe speak and smiling.
<Text> This is Joe's story. Everyone's story is different.
<Visual description> Joe stands in front of three other people with disability.
<Text> Contact Your Story Disability Legal Support about how to share your story safely. 1800 77 1800
<Visual description> Joe and Champ stand next to the Your Story lawyer. Both Joe and the lawyer wave and smile.
Page 19
<Text> Your Story Disability Legal Support is a free national legal service delivered by National Legal Aid and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, with support and funding from the Commonwealth Government. Some of the reasons you might want to contact Your Story Disability Legal Support include:
- You want to use the name of an organisation or person in your story
- You have signed a legal document that stops you sharing your story
- You are concerned about payback if you share your story
- You are worried about your safety and privacy if you share your story
- Your story talks about current or past court matters
- Your story talks about something you did, that you should not have done
- You are registered to speak at a community forum
- You want support to get ready for a private session with the Disability Royal Commission.
Disclaimer: This information is intended as a general guide. It should not be relied on as legal advice and we recommend that you talk to a lawyer about your particular situation.
<Visual description> Male Your Story lawyer sits behind a desk, he smiles and waves.
Page 20
<Text> Your Story Disability Legal Support.
Free, independent legal support to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission.
Contact us for free support: 1800 77 1800 (freecall)
ISBN: 978-0-6485746-3-7
<Visual description> Your Story Disability Legal Support Logo with tagline, "Free, independent legal support to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission."
Female Your Story lawyer sits behind a desk, she smiles and waves.
Publication date: 11/10/2022
Publication type: